Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pre Production Has Begun!!!

Yay! We've begun the pre-prodcution of our new album!! We're starting with "Might As Well" :-) We're soooo excited to begin this new project! It feels like it's been too too long since we've recorded our songs! And we have oodles more great songs so it's going to feel amazing to finally record them :-)If all turns out well, we're hoping to make a music video this summer as well.

I think part of the reason we're so excited to record this new album is that we feel we've outgrown our old one. It's been almost 3 YEARS since we recorded that one! Our music has evolved, our sound has matured, and our skillz have definatly improved. It's about time we recorded something that can illustrate where we are now as musicians and people.

We're going to start recording in my little home studio and see where it goes from there. I'm a little afrad, scratch that, I'm TERRIFIED of recording drums! Lol I haven't a clue what I'm doing in that regard, so I'm sure once we've gotten down the rough tracks we'll move to a proffessional studio. Well we better get crackin'.

Till we meet again...