Wow! Why do I do this? Sorry for leaving everyone in the dark! I promise to never leave for this long ever again! Pinky Swear!
So we've been working on our new album :) fun fun! Almost have one rough track completely done! It's called Rather Wait awesome awesome song :) and I can say that because Karli wrote it lol so I'm not being vain, just a Karli fan!
We have some super wicked awesome gigs coming up this July! We're play at Alberta Beach on Canada Day! There will be bands and DJs and it'll be a fun fun time! It's a FREE all ages event so bring the whole family! :)
This is another event we are doing with the "Sun, Snow and Our Show" concert series by the ID VIP Team (our little music family) and bodsled :)
Check out the Facebook event!
Another thing we are super excited to be a part of in July is Edmonton: The Musical!
This is not your traditional musical. If you took live concert and mashed it up with theatre this is what you would get: a live concert concept, with bands and musical groups that happen to follow a story. There will be more than 20 featured musicians from Edmonton's music scene that tell a story with their song rhythms, lyrics and all out style. The story follows a guy named Jake, who by accident ends up dating five women at once. All with extremely different personalities who don't know about the each other...gulp! It highlights not only Edmonton musicians, but the community and key locations we all know and love about the city. Jake is looking for love, but he has forgot a very important step, he must love himself first. This production is based off music from local artists who drive the story with their unique lyrics. We have all heard the typical love song, yet we all have our different interpretations of love. This story takes more than 20 different looks on love through song and re-teaches us the important lesson that sometimes what we seek, is right there in front of us.
Showdates & Times:
July 21 - 7pm
July 22 - 7pm
July 23 - 1pm & 7pm
July 24 - 1pm & 7pm
The 27 confirmed musicians/acts are:
Zerbin; Cory D; Dear (your name here); Douglas Mitchell; Drowning Ophelia; Erica Viegas; Fendercase; Greater Than Giants; Gurl; Heaviside; Jackson MacDonald; Jacqueline Ohm; Jake Ian and the Haymakers; JDML; Light Travels; Cara Albo; Lisa Nicole Grace; Looking East; Owls By Nature; Paperplanes and Dragonboats; Red Shag Carpet; Se7enSided; Still Within; Tanner Gordon and the Unfortunates; The Flash Jam; The Greater Good; and Tiff Hall
“That’s about a buck a band,” said Albo. “There is everything from rock to pop to jazz to folk. Really, there is something for everyone."
Interest from many local performers was greater than expected.
"Unfortunately, we had to turn away some amazing talent wanting to perform.” Albo said.
Close to 400 tickets have already been sold for Edmonton the Musical and are available online at or Blackbyrd Myoozik, 10442 82 (Whyte) Avenue, in Edmonton.
So get your tickets!! :)
So we've been working on our new album :) fun fun! Almost have one rough track completely done! It's called Rather Wait awesome awesome song :) and I can say that because Karli wrote it lol so I'm not being vain, just a Karli fan!

This is another event we are doing with the "Sun, Snow and Our Show" concert series by the ID VIP Team (our little music family) and bodsled :)
Check out the Facebook event!
Another thing we are super excited to be a part of in July is Edmonton: The Musical!
This is not your traditional musical. If you took live concert and mashed it up with theatre this is what you would get: a live concert concept, with bands and musical groups that happen to follow a story. There will be more than 20 featured musicians from Edmonton's music scene that tell a story with their song rhythms, lyrics and all out style. The story follows a guy named Jake, who by accident ends up dating five women at once. All with extremely different personalities who don't know about the each other...gulp! It highlights not only Edmonton musicians, but the community and key locations we all know and love about the city. Jake is looking for love, but he has forgot a very important step, he must love himself first. This production is based off music from local artists who drive the story with their unique lyrics. We have all heard the typical love song, yet we all have our different interpretations of love. This story takes more than 20 different looks on love through song and re-teaches us the important lesson that sometimes what we seek, is right there in front of us.
Showdates & Times:
July 21 - 7pm
July 22 - 7pm
July 23 - 1pm & 7pm
July 24 - 1pm & 7pm
The 27 confirmed musicians/acts are:
Zerbin; Cory D; Dear (your name here); Douglas Mitchell; Drowning Ophelia; Erica Viegas; Fendercase; Greater Than Giants; Gurl; Heaviside; Jackson MacDonald; Jacqueline Ohm; Jake Ian and the Haymakers; JDML; Light Travels; Cara Albo; Lisa Nicole Grace; Looking East; Owls By Nature; Paperplanes and Dragonboats; Red Shag Carpet; Se7enSided; Still Within; Tanner Gordon and the Unfortunates; The Flash Jam; The Greater Good; and Tiff Hall
“That’s about a buck a band,” said Albo. “There is everything from rock to pop to jazz to folk. Really, there is something for everyone."
Interest from many local performers was greater than expected.
"Unfortunately, we had to turn away some amazing talent wanting to perform.” Albo said.
Close to 400 tickets have already been sold for Edmonton the Musical and are available online at or Blackbyrd Myoozik, 10442 82 (Whyte) Avenue, in Edmonton.
So get your tickets!! :)